
Your child and epilepsy

The course has 8 parts and you can
do it at your own pace

Grow your confidence managing epilepsy in your family

Cost: Free

Course overview

The aim of the course is to provide parents and carers with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to care for and support children with epilepsy.

Full of stories, advice and tips from other families, this flexible course offers a helping hand for you and your family on your epilepsy journey.

We know that families come in all shapes and sizes. The course is for parents, step-parents, co-parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles or foster parents or anyone who cares for a child with epilepsy. If you care for a child who has epilepsy, this course is for you.

This course has been produced under the terms of Epilepsy Action’s information quality standards.

Created | January 2020

To be reviewed | January 2023

Course aims

This course will help you to:

  • Understand epilepsy and the issues to do with epilepsy
  • Feel confident in supporting your child to manage their epilepsy
  • Understand how the risks of some activities increase for children with epilepsy
  • Think about how to reduce those risks
  • Understand the potential impact of epilepsy on learning and behaviour
  • Work with school and childcare providers
  • Feel better able to cope with the challenges of caring for a child with epilepsy
  • Feel less isolated
  • Manage behaviour you find challenging
  • Support your child in gaining independence, moving through adolescence and leaving home
  • Normalise epilepsy into everyday family life
  • Know about different sources of information and support, face-to-face and online